Музей феррагамо во флоренции

Salvatore Ferragamo Museum

Until today, the story of Salvatore Ferragamo is one of the most exciting of its kind. Set in Hollywood, it’s about the shoemaker of the stars, how the Americans would call Salvatore Ferragamo fondly, about Italian fashion, about friendships with famous actresses and about his enormous success on the movie sets. At the age of 30, Salvatore Ferragamo returns to Italy and chooses Florence as his second home.

Here he finds a city with a long standing history of art, elegance, refined taste for beauty, inspiring shapes, fine materials, and extraordinary craftsmanship. A symbol of Florentine heritage, the Palazzo Spini Feroni becomes Salvatore Ferragamo’s store and workshop in 1938, and a home to the creation of masterpieces of shoes, fit for the nobility, the international diplomacy, and the glamorous cinema world.

Amongst his clients were Greta Garbo, Audrey Hepburn, Claudette Colbert, Judy Garland, Marilyn Monroe, Lauren Bacall, Anna Magnani, and Sophia Loren.

Until today, the Palazzo Spini Feroni is the seat of the fashion house Ferragamo and its impressive museum. Located in Piazza Santa Trinita and surrounded by Florence’s divine shopping boutiques, the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum beautifully displays the life of a genius, who brought world-wide fame to Italian fashion.

Legend has it that Beatrice, Dante’s beloved, came to the cellar of the palace to fetch water in a well that still exists today. A charming space, which features an exhibition of shoe models derived from innovative materials (during the war, when leather was scarce, materials such as raffia, cork, and transparent chocolate foils were used). Salvatore Ferragamo wrote in his biography: «My female clients are divided into three categories: the Cinderella, the Venus, and the aristocracy. A Cinderella shoe is smaller than size 6. Venuses fit a size 6, and the Aristocratic woman uses 7 or above.»

As you exit the exhibition, don’t miss the unique boutique with a selection of precious imitations of vintage models, designed especially for Judy Garland, Greta Garbo, and Marilyn Monroe.

Salvatore Ferragamo Museum
Entrance: Palazzo Spini Feroni
Piazza Santa Trinita 5 / R, 50123 Florence.
Tel. 055 3562 455/417/456

Источник: www.lungarnocollection.com


Музей поделен на семь залов: в одном из них находится постоянная экспозиция, состоящая из моделей архива. Это обувь, созданная основателем марки в период с 20-ые по 60-ые годы XX века. Также здесь представлены модели, созданные его дочерью, Фьяммой Феррагамо, которая возглавила модный дом после смерти отца. Кроме этого, в основном зале представлены модели современных коллекций.

Музей феррагамо во флоренции

Музей был открыт в 1995 году Вандой Феррагамо и ее детьми в целях сохранения и популяризации истории марки, жизни ее основателя, а также обуви, которая общепризнана настоящим шедевром искусства. Музей расположился в историческом здании — средневековом палаццо Ферони. В этом уникальном пространстве наглядно демонстрируется не только истории марки Феррагамо, но и взаимотношений, которые всегда существуют между бизнесом, искусством и дизайном обуви. Музей гармонично вписывается в атмосферу Флоренции, что только подтверждает принадлежность бренда к истории великого города искусств.



В музее проходят выставки, семинары, а также выдаются стипендии для желающих изучать история бренда и современного творчества (искусство, дизайн, мода) в целом. Архивные материалы являются предметом изучения и исследования, и служат в качестве стимула для создания новых коллекций.

Музей феррагамо во флоренции


Музей рассказывает вековую историю на примере 14 000 пар обуви, а также рисунков, фотографий, чертежей, моделей и материалов. Все это позволяет реконструировать творческую деятельность Сальваторе Феррагамо с 1927 по 1960 год. Некоторые модели наглядно демонстрируют отношения автора с искусством своего времени, они отражают жизни во время войны, а также иллюстрируют время, когда создатель превратился в «Сапожника мечты». Обувь Феррагамо носили Мэрилин Монро, Грета Гарбо, Одри Хепбёрн и многие другие звезды того периода.

Источник: latuaitalia.ru


Situated in Florence, on the basement of Palazzo Spini Feroni, Via Tornabuoni n. 2, the museum was opened to the public in 1995 by the Ferragamo family, in an effort to illustrate Ferragamo’s artistic qualities and the important role he played in the history of shoe design and international fashion.

Besides photographs, patents, sketches, books, magazines and wooden lasts of various famous feet, the museum boasts a collection of draws 10,000 models designed by Ferragamo from the end of the 1920’s until 1960, the year of his death. The shoes, displayed on a biennial rotation, are chosen each time according to specific themes that deal with new issues and allow for new fields of inquiry. The shoes, all works of refined craftsmanship, their design and materials, unveil the mind of an artist who was always in touch with the cultural mood of the time. Salvatore often searched for and found ideas, inspiration and collaboration from the leading artists of his day. Similarly, the museum arranges exhibitions of its own historical collection with the participation of contemporary artists, and promotes and hosts exhibitions and events linked to art and culture.

The Primo Premio Guggenheim Impresa & Cultura (The Guggenheim First Prize for Industry and Culture) for 1999 was awarded to Salvatore Ferragamo for its decision to invest in culture and subsequently employ it as a communication strategy for the company.

Salvatore Ferragamo was born in 1898 in Bonito, near Naples, the eleventh of 14 children. After making his first pair of shoes at age nine, for his sisters to wear on their confirmation, young Salvatore decided that he had found his calling.

always had a passion for shoes. After studying shoemaking in Naples for a year, Ferragamo opened a small store based in his parent’s home. In 1914, he emigrated to Boston, where one of his brothers worked in a cowboy boot factory. After a brief stint at the factory, Ferragamo convinced his brothers to move to California, first Santa Barbara then Hollywood. It was here that Ferragamo found success, initially opening a shop for repair and made-to-measure shoes, which soon became prized items among celebrities of the day, leading to a long period of designing footwear for the cinema. However, his thriving reputation as ‘Shoemaker to the Stars’ only partially satisfied him. He could not fathom why his shoes pleased the eye yet hurt the foot, so he proceeded to study anatomy at the University of Southern California.
After spending thirteen years in the United States, Ferragamo returned to Italy in 1927, this time settling in Florence. In Florence, he began to fashion shoes for the wealthiest and most powerful women of the century.

Palazzo Spini Feroni is a Medieval palace, built by Geri Spini, a wealthy merchant and banker to Pope Boniface VIII, in 1289. Over the centuries it changed hands several times, from the Spinis to the Guasconis and then to the Bagnano and Feroni families. In 1846 the palazzo was acquired by the City of Florence and from 1860 to 1870 when Florence was the capital of Italy, it was the seat of the City Council.

1881 it was sold to the Cassa di Risparmio and came under private ownership when Salvatore Ferragamo purchased it in 1938 as the headquarters of the company and his own workshop. The building was restored in 2000 and now proudly shows its masterpieces of seventeenth and eighteenth century Fiorentine art, including frescoes by Bernardino Poccetti in the chapel. The lower, or basement level, where the museum is located bears witness to the building’s Medieval originals. Over the centuries it had been used for many purposes and in the early twentieth century it was home to one of the city’s most famous antiques galleries.

Источник: museumsinflorence.com

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